近数年以来,地老天荒的嵩山成为尹朝阳写生的蓝本。嵩山的太室山、少室山,是中国最复杂也最齐全的“ 远古地质景观博物馆” ,但明清文人画家及至当代画家鲜有涉足者,而这恰恰是尹朝阳选择它作为写生蓝本的一个重要原因。尹朝阳就这样,他近乎偏执地喜欢没人注意的事物和地方,偏爱那种苍凉、寂寞的感觉。他将巨大的画框搬进了嵩山,赤膊上阵,直接面对那地老天荒的景观。那里一切都是古老的,但因没有既成的语言的干扰,一切又如新生儿一般刺激着你鲜活的感官——古老的形象与鲜活的直觉在寂寞中相遭遇,这无疑是让人兴奋的奇遇。
苏州博物馆 馆长
近数年以来,地老天荒的嵩山成为尹朝阳写生的蓝本。嵩山的太室、少室山,是中国最复杂也最齐全的“ 远古地质景观博物馆” ,但明清文人画家及至当代画家鲜有涉足者,而这恰恰是尹朝阳选择它作为写生蓝本的一个重要原因。尹朝阳就这样,他近乎偏执地喜欢没人注意的事物和地方,偏爱那种苍凉、寂寞的感觉。他将巨大的画框搬进了嵩山,赤膊上阵,直接面对那地老天荒的景观。那里一切都是古老的,但因没有既成的语言的干扰,一切又如新生儿一般刺激着你鲜活的感官——古老的形象与鲜活的直觉在寂寞中相遭遇,这无疑是让人兴奋的奇遇。
他在感性的视觉资源中信手采撷自己的表现语汇,在历史的启发中想象自己的修辞逻辑。他始终以一个画家的视知觉去感受历史。他的历史观是视觉化的:“ 我所不能接受的是:一个画家把绘画语言搞成了文本考据的模样——如果说某人作品带有学者的味道,这肯定不是赞扬,相反,那可能是对艺术家最尖刻的嘲讽。”
The ages-old Songshan Mountains has become Yin Zhaoyang’s sketch target for the past several years. The Taishi Mount and Shaoshi Mount of the Songshan Mountains are the most complicated and complete “ancient geological museums”, which were scarcely approached by the literati painters in the Ming and Qing Dynasty or by the contemporary painters. That is an important reason why Yin Zhaoyang chooses this place for sketching. It is part of his nature to attend to the ignored things and places and indulge in the desolate and lonely atmosphere. He carries the giant picture frames into the Songshan Mountains and directly confronts the vast old scenes. Everything there is ancient, not interrupted by any established format; and everything there is as fresh as a newborn to activate your vigorous senses. It is such an exciting experience that the old images and live instinct meet in loneliness.
He picks out his expression language from the sensual visual data and imagines about his own rhetoric from the inspirations in history. He keeps feeling about history as a painter from a visual perspective: “If a painter’s work is said to look like that of a scholar, it is absolutely not a compliment. On the contrary, it might be the most biting satire on him.”
Qi Lan Yin Zhaoyang : the Towering Songshan Mountains
尹朝阳 晚山
尹朝阳 飞雪岩
尹朝阳 写生图8
尹朝阳 晚松
尹朝阳 雪寺
尹朝阳 寒林图
尹朝阳 松云
尹朝阳 嵩谷怒云